
Basketball Speed - Quick Feet Drills

Our focus in this video segment is basketball speed; working to develop quick feet while maintaining balance and body control. Having quick feet and good speed on the court help a player be able to react quickly to any situation, like keeping pressure on an opponent or breaking away to score, while maintaining balance and stability.

Quick Feet Training Drills For Speed

These high school basketball players are wearing the Myosource Kinetic Bands, adding resistance to each movement. By working through the resistance, they are developing leg and hip strength, which will greatly help with speed, agility, and the ability to move their feet quickly anywhere on the court.

Back Pedal - Drop Step To A Sprint

Focus on quickness and correct form during all phases of this drill. The Back Pedal phase works the hamstrings, hips, and glutes. Quickly Drop Step to a Sprint, firing the quads and hip flexors during the sprint phase. Focus on body control during deceleration near the basket.

Lateral Shuffle and Drop Step

Stay low with your head up during the Lateral Shuffle and Drop Step drill. This works the hips, hip flexors, and glutes and is another great way to continue working to develop quick feet, reacting quickly to change direction and improve lateral speed.

Full Court Lateral Shuffle Pass

The Full Court Lateral Shuffle Pass is a great way to work on quick feet, moving laterally while working on passing skills and keeping your head up. Staying low in the resistance helps develop hip strength and improves balance and stability.

Staggered Sprint Drill

In the Staggered Sprint Drill, the goal of the player with the ball is to dribble the ball down the court as quickly as possible, trying to put distance between her and the defender while maintaining ball control. The defender starts 5-10 feet behind and is focused on trying to catch up or distract the player controlling the ball. Performing this drill with the resistance bands provides a great workout for the legs, hips, hip flexors, and glutes for both players and will help improve speed and quick feet.

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